Clinical Perspectives:
CONQUER Type 2 Inflammation
Type 2 inflammation can result in a myriad of signs and symptoms that can significantly impact quality of life as well as induce progressive tissue and organ damage affecting the respiratory, dermatologic, and gastrointestinal systems. However, better outcomes are possible when clinicians are armed with an in-depth understanding of type 2 inflammation pathophysiology. CONQUER is a dynamic, multi-faceted online resource designed to educate healthcare providers in the individualized management of conditions related to type 2 inflammation.
Learn more about the latest advances in treatment including data on efficacy and safety; biomarker-directed diagnosis; the importance of referrals; and incorporating a multidisciplinary approach for optimal patient care. Access detailed information for specific type 2 inflammatory conditions through the dedicated community of care portals; high-definition educational animations and additional tools can be found within the HD Visual Learning section.
This program is supported by an independent educational grant from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Sanofi.
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